Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Feel the Burn

I am having major body image issues lately. Am seriously considering investing in a corset. Would that be bad? Do they still make those? My Darling Husband, who exercises every single day, today came home and told me that he is fat. This is of course completely ridiculous, so I just said, “Uh huh,” to validate his fatness. Somehow he took this as insincere.

Until a few months ago, I could put Lovey in the stroller and go for a brisk walk for 45 minutes to an hour every day or so. Well, now that she can walk on her own, she will no longer tolerate that, so I am sad to report that my waist is starting to pudge. No one believes this (except of course, for My Darling Husband who has seen me en deshabille but says he likes me anyway). This is because I am still reasonably slim except in that one traitorous area. So I have resorted to putting on music and dancing around the apartment to work up a sweat. Lovey and I like to pretend we are in a music video. In fact, I think we should make a music video because I think she could teach those video hoochies a thing or three.

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