Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Drive, She Said

Have I mentioned that I talked to my new boss on Friday and that she told me to take an extra week to get organized, since they waited 'til the last minute to tell me my background check went through? So I'm not starting until next week! My new boss is so cool! Seriously.

Okay, I have to stop here for a second because my neighbor and his girlfriend are having really loud sex next door. While his wife is at work. And that's just the slightest bit distracting. Okay.... and, they're done.

Hmmm, where was I?

Oh, so now that I am going to be working, there will be times when Sweet William will have to pick Viva up. This means that we need to buy a new car seat, since we only have the one. Now, since Viva is getting to the uppermost height limits for the one we already have, we are not buying the exact same one, because that would just be silly. But that also means that I had to do exhaustive (exhaustive!) research on car seats and find one that she can use until she goes to college, because I am sick of having to buy such things every couple of years. And I also visited not one but four stores to find the one I want. And while my initial impression was that we might be able to get away with spending about $100 on a car seat, naturally, this was not the case. Because I will skimp on many things, but safety is not one of them. And thus, my friends, I just plunked down $250 for the new seat, and here's the bad news: we may actually end up needing two more of these. One to replace the one in my car, and another for my father-in-law's car (he is our backup emergency Viva-picker-upper.).

So it looks like my first paycheck is already pretty much earmarked for car seats and paying off the credit card from buying work clothes. Whee!

P.S. For those who are wondering, we ended up with the Britax Regent, which Viva can use until she is up to 80 pounds (ha! like when she is 13) and up to 53" tall (like when she is 6 - d'oh!). It's swell.


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Have you used the Regent yet? I was thinking about getting one, but I can't find anyone who has tried it in real life. Was it easy to install? Was it too gigantic to use easily? Does your daughter like it?

  2. I just installed it this morning, and since my car has the LATCH hookups and the tether anchors, it was just a matter of pulling the straps tight enough (which I will have Sweet William double check when he comes home). So installation was fairly easy.

    The Regent appears big and bulky, but when I took my Britax Roundabout out of my car and sat them side by side, the size difference is not substantial. The Regent is a little wider, and a little taller, but that's about it.

    Viva sat down in the Regent on the floor in our living room, demanded to be buckled in, and sat like a queen on her throne for about ten to fifteen minutes. She loved it, but she hasn't yet ridden in it. I will let you know how that goes.

    The only issue you might have is that you are expanding your family soon -- Viva's car seat is in the middle position in my sedan since we don't need to put two kids in the car. But I see no reason why you couldn't fit another car seat side-by-side with this seat, unless you drive a Mini Cooper...(and if you do, well, I have to say you are pretty damn cool, is all).

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions!

    P.S. In case you don't see this, I am e-mailing you too. Don't be scared when you see my name pop up in your inbox!

  3. We bought our son a Britax when he graduated from his little baby carseat, and I have never regretted spending more than twice as much as we would have on other seats. The Britax is the shit - easy to use (strap adjustment is quick and simple, unlike other seats I've come across), super safe, and yes the fact that you can keep using it 'til they're huge is a big plus. I'm totally with you on the safety thing. I love a bargain, but I'll shell out to keep my kid as safe as I'm able.

  4. I agree with you (obviously) on the Britax. I didn't realize there was a higher weight/height limit on the Marathon when we bought the Roundabout, or we probably would have gone with that.

    Oh my God, I think I am becoming Queen Dork of Car Seats or something. Somebody throw on some cool music before I lose whatever (negligible) coolness quotient I ever had!
