Thursday, October 18, 2007

Now With More Sulfites!

Viva update: Sweet Dub left work early yesterday and took her to the pediatrician. Diagnosis: no urinary tract infection. Not sure what to think. The doctor told Sweet Dub no bubble baths (which we don’t do anyway, because I’d read somewhere that can irritate the genital area), and no wearing underwear to bed. Viva seemed mildly disturbed by this, which is interesting, because she likes to frolic about in her altogether whenever possible. At any rate, she seems fine today. *

Lisa update: I feel like I have turned a corner. Basically I stopped taking my pain medication because it was clogging up my digestive tract (one of the stated side effects), and I started drinking wine instead. I know this sounds ridiculous. I am not a medical professional, and I doubt that any physician would recommend this course of action to you. But I was a bit desperate. Since I feel best in the morning, I wasn’t taking my Vicodin until the afternoon anyway. Yesterday, I had a half a glass of wine at 4 pm and another half a glass at 8 pm. Slept like a baby and my digestion is back to normal. Today, I feel great. I mean, relatively great. I still feel like I have paper cuts on the inside of my abdomen, and a general bloating and not being able to lift things, but in the overall scheme of things, SO much better.

Moving on: today, I’ve been working on photo albums. Ever since we got a digital camera, we’ve been lax about putting photos into any kind of order or even printing them out. Somehow in there, we stopped putting any photos in albums somewhere around the end of 2005. Oops. It’s kind of a big job, no? So I am organizing my photos, uploading them from various sources onto Flickr and I will then order some ungodly number of prints. Sweet Dub lost almost all of his baby/childhood photos in a fire – I mean seriously I think we have three pictures of him under the age of 10 – so he is rabid about documenting our life. This means that we have a very large number of photos. But for the moment, I have nothing but time. I’m not going anywhere, so I’m enjoying looking back over our photos. Here are a couple of cute ones from August 2006:

Will post more as I go along. Maybe.

*Better than my mother-in-law, who is old school and a bit freaked out by Viva telling her that her vag!na hurt. She couldn’t imagine where Viva had learned that word.


  1. Oh I LOVE the photo! How joyful it looks. And I'm glad Viva is better today. I was always a victim of bubble bath-itis as a kid. I'd pour shampoo in the water even when my mom told me I shouldn't do it.

    Keep drinking your wine if it's working. LOL! :)

  2. I was worried about you two! So glad to hear that you are doing better though I am a proponent of taking all the pain meds that I can and begging for a refill. Which, as you know, the doctors always deny me. Your oh-so-fabulous mother-in-law is a trip! We love her and you, too.

  3. 1) My mom says whisky is a cure all in case you wanna mix it up a bit. I'm glad you've turned a corner and are feeling better!

    2) Oprah refers to hers as her vajayjay. That may be less shocking to the mom-in-law.

    3) Sploo - I'll give you the name of my doc who prescribes the pain meds liberally because she knows I hate them so. I've got all the colors of the rainbow next to the bottle of Colace.

  4. liz: Thanks! I never even knew about the bubble bath issue until another friend told me about it. Right now, Viva is taking showers. :)

    splooey: I know all about you and your meds. My medicine shelf right now may rival yours! xoxo

    cyn: I am a total wimp with hard liquor. (Although I did attend an impromptu bourbon tasting a few months ago and that was quite fun. Thankfully, I didn't have to drive.) I'll stick with wine - we discovered a stash of 2001 Cabernet Sauvignon and that has been working wonderfully thus far.

    Vajayjay? I'm not sure even Viva can say that with a straight face, but I'm going to start using it myself. Like on Wednesday, when I go back to see my surgeon, I'll just casually drop it into conversation and see what she does. I'll publish my findings later in the week.

  5. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Hey there! Good to hear you are on the mend. It gives me hope. My surgery went well but talk about ouch, ouch, ouch (Tuesday it will be one week). It hurts to wag. Unfortunately there isn't a narcotic in existence that I can tolerate. I didn't even fill the Rx. Just doing the super-duper ibuprophen they gave me. Thanks for the tips before I went to the hospital. It made the stay go quite well.
    Love the photos of you and your girl!

  6. bridget: Glad to hear everything went well! Pace yourself. I find myself very impatient to get everything back to normal, and I have really had to step back and just cultivate patience. This is not a bad thing for me. In fact, it's a good life lesson!
