Saturday, November 10, 2007

Now and Then

It is Saturday morning. Sweet Dub has taken Viva out to breakfast and then they are going to see Bee Movie.* They left after repeated, stern instructions from him for me not to overdo it while they were gone.

There are so many things I want to do right now and I can't:

(1) Exercise.
(2) Clean the house.
(3) Take my car to the gas station, get gas and put air in the tires. (I can drive with a towel over my abdomen between me and the seatbelt, but the squatting to inflate the tires would still hurt and I might strain something.)
(4) Gardening/working in the yard.
(5) Pretty much anything active.

The good news is that my abdomen has shrunk enough that I can fit into my comfy jeans, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am heading back to the world of normal clothes! Oh, how I've missed you!

The weather today is perfect for a nice fall hike in Griffith Park. On one of my first real dates with Sweet Dub, he took me for a hike in Griffith Park. I didn't realize it was a test! (Ooh, sneaky Dub.) We drove up and parked across from the Greek Theatre and headed up a steep trail. It was all uphill for a good 5 minutes, then leveled out, then uphill again, etc. We walked and talked for a good hour or so, and I didn't poop out. I guess he was trying to see if I was actually in shape or whether I was thin because I didn't eat much.** Because he is a very active person, this was an important compatibility issue for him.

I am not as active as he is, but I do miss yoga and hiking and dancing. Those are my three favorite "active" activities. (Well, the three that I can tell you about. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.)

I am now going to fling open the windows and let the crisp air into the house and maybe "couch dance"*** to my (and Viva's) new favorite song by Flight of the Conchords. You know I like funny. I am slightly ever so in love with them:

"You like boom, I like boom, enough small boom, let's boom de boom!" Viva likes to dance to the abbreviated version we show her via TiVo (so she doesn't actually hear the f-word or the b-word. Give us at least a little credit.). Enjoy!

* Please note that if you click on the link for Bee Movie, you will be taken to a review by Common Sense Media. My adding this link should not be interpreted as my having read the review before sending my kid to the movie. Because I didn't. Because I am just that lazy. Thank you and good night.

** Which, in itself, is kind of ridiculous, since during the blind date at which we met, I ordered French toast, swimming in butter and syrup, and bacon. What can I say - it didn't occur to me to order an egg-white omelet. That is just not how I roll.

*** By which I mean sit on the couch and dance only with my shoulders and arms. Gently.


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Oh, dear. I know about the towel across the lap while driving! I am not alone! My ten year old hugged me today a bit to tight though... can't wait for the tenderness to evaporate along with the last of the swelling. Hang in there, girl, and I'll do the same!

  2. Girl Puh-leeze! If it's animated, "it don't need no review!" At least that SHOULD be the rule. You are cracking me up! P.S. I am trying to get into my comfy jeans and I haven't had any surgery!! Big Ups to you!!

  3. bridget: As I said to Sweet Dub recently, "I guess when they say six to eight weeks, they mean -- SIX TO EIGHT weeks." I was either in total denial of what abdominal surgery entails, or -- well, I guess I was in total denial of what abdominal surgery entails. Either way, not something I want to do again.

    janie: I know! I Googled the movie to find an interesting link and only then did I think to myself, "Hmm, maybe I should have checked out some reviews before they left," which would have been useless anyway, as Viva was totally sold on going and would have had a conniption if we had canceled her moviegoing experience. So good to know my maternal instincts were right! It's easy to overthink these things.
