Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy Birthday, Viva My Love

Dear Viva,

You turned 5 today. How is it possible? Daddy and I look at this gorgeous, long-legged, smart and silly girl, and you take our breath away. You are so much more amazing than I could ever have imagined. I love it that you are both sensible and fanciful. I love it that you want to be a superhero, an astronaut, a cowgirl, a zoologist, a mom. I love your little turns of phrase and the way you frown when I laugh at some of the things you say, and the way you immediately stop frowning when I say I’m not laughing at you, I’m just laughing because the way you talk makes me happy. Even when I am exhausted and not even wanting to deal with anything, I do marvel at your exuberance.

What a journey it has been with you. You have evolved from a never-want-to-leave-mama’s-side baby to a somewhat timid toddler to an absolutely fearless Five. Your parents both love to talk, and so do you. For years now, people have been telling me how advanced you are for your age, how verbal you are, how easy it is to understand you. We lie on your bed and you read to me, sounding out some of the words slowly. It is heaven for me, a hardcore reader and lover of words, to be by your side as you learn to enjoy poetry and song lyrics. Now you are learning jokes!

I so look forward to growing up with you and I know you will teach me as much as I teach you. I love you so, so much, my little puka shell. Here’s to many more birthdays together.


Viva, June 2003, with her Daddy

April 1, 2004. Daddy & Viva in Santa Barbara, CA. Age 1.

April 1, 2005. Viva doing her birthday dance in her room before her party. Age 2.

April 1, 2006. With her face painted, at a party with her cousins. Age 3.

April 1, 2007. Viva on the phone with her grandpa (too sick to come to the party). Age 4.
More to come of Viva in all her Fabulous Fiveness!


  1. Sooooo beautiful. Isn't it an amzing process? With each child I find that I suddenly look at them and think, What?! What happened here? You're not a baby! Seriously, I have five, you'd think I'd get used to it.
    Happy birthday, Viva
    Happy Anniversary of the most amazing day of your life, Mama

  2. Send her my best!! Hope the Bat Cat theme worked out!

  3. molly: It is really incredible how fast the years fly by. Thanks for your birthday wishes!

    cee: The superhero theme was all good. I bought each of the kids superhero masks. They all immediately put them on, left their cupcakes, and ran around the playground screaming with joy. Too much!
