Friday, October 10, 2008

Which Will Come First?

The house or the baby? Place your bets now!

As I get closer to maybe actually having this baby, you'll find I am posting more over here and less here at Mama Blah, just because I am a wee bit precoccupied.

But let me let you in on the latest with the house search. We have one house semi-finalized -- i.e. the owners have approved our credit and offered us the house, but we haven't signed a lease yet, and the house wouldn't be ready to move in until Nov.5th, after the baby is born, while I'm recovering from a C-section.

Today, Sweet Dub found another house, further away, but for $300 less per month. We are hoping to see it tomorrow afternoon and make a decision about what to do in less than 24 hours. Hopefully you will not have to hear any more about our agonizing over our housing issues for much longer.


  1. Girl, One day at a time. You and the Blah Blah tribe are in my prayers. Remember, this time next year it will only be a memory.

  2. This is more intense than the new 90210...

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Oh, dear. Well, babies always come at the most inconvient times...

    HOWEVER, I'm putting it out there that a wonderful new home comes through first for you. Mango is right. Only memory by next year. It's all going to work out good.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The house! We have secureda house, but it won't be available until AFTER the baby is born. Oh Well.........


  5. It's true, it's true! We got the house! Stay tuned for my next post!
