Monday, December 15, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

It's raining and chilly here in Southern Cal and that makes me want to do not much of anything.

Despite the rain, after dropping Viva off at school I motored on and interviewed a childcare provider today and (dare I say it?), it looks like we may actually have secured a spot for our little one next month. I really like the director of the program, I like the philosophy of the center (for those keeping score at home, they use the RIE approach) and it's only 5 minutes from my job.

As far as the other kid: we have made the decision to suck it up and leave Viva at her current school, even though we will probably have to dip into our savings to pay for it for the next six months. I still want to get her into the decent public school in our neighborhood, but I have to go through a permit process to try and get her in for September since we are outside the boundaries. (Yes! How can it be more of a struggle to get her into public school? I don't get it.) We don't want to move her twice in one year, so we will keep her where she is. Errrgh. Ye gods.
In holiday news: what are the odds that I'll get Christmas cards out this year? Scratch that - what are the odds that I'll get Christmas cards with a photo of the family on them out this year? I'm thinking those odds are not good. The only photo I have of Viva and Cily is very grainy, but maybe I could make kind of an artsy card...

This is on my mind because we recently processed some 35mm film from this summer. I wish I had a beautiful photo like this of my two girls together:

Viva peeking out from the pear tree in our (former) front yard. Sadly, the only picture I have of the two of them (besides the grainy one taken off the videocamera) is of me pregnant with Cily, hanging out with Viva:
I don't think this really counts as a picture of the two of them. By the by, I can't figure out why the scanner is putting those black bars on the side of the photos. It's wildly irritating to me. But I love this series of photos and I wanted to share and I can't find the photo CD that has these shots on it. And let's be real, it's difficult enough for me to get on the computer these days...
Viva dancing around the front yard...
Aaaand... Miss Cily's up. Time to go attend to her every whim...


  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    You are beautiful, girl! Viva is adorable! What great photos! It looks so warm and summery. *sigh*

    We are snowed in right now... well, sort of snowed in. If you like bouncing off embankments down a steep grade of a mountain then you're not totally snowed in—so that's what I did today. Ugh.

    Wish it was good ol' Portland rain because the kids are home for another day tomorrow.

  2. Aw, thanks. I keep looking at the photos and dreaming of the sun...

    Today it is in the 50s here in LA, which is unheard of during the day. Forecast is for another storm to roll in. I'm sitting here debating whether it's safe to take the baby in the stroller for a 10-minute walk to pick up a present at a local shop...

    I'm not one to tell you what to do, but I think you should stay home. Don't want you getting into an accident!

  3. Cute pics! I agree -you, beautiful, Viva, adorable.
