Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Tooth, the Whole Tooth, and Nothing But the...

Dear Viva,

Wow! You lost your first tooth! You are officially no longer a baby, although you will always be my baby. I’m sorry I got a little weepy when it fell out. Moms are like that sometimes. It doesn’t mean I’m not excited for you, because I really am!


Dear Tooth Fairy,

Five bucks per tooth? Really?? Even in this economy? It’s just because that was the first tooth, right?


Dear Viva,

I’m very pleased that you’ve decided to save your five dollars and wait until more teeth come out so you can save up for something special. You are such a smart kid!


Dear Sweet Dub,

What constitutes “something special”? What if she wants to buy a snake or something?


Dear DNA,

Please let Viva’s teeth come in fairly straight. I’m putting in a plea for no orthodontia. Help me out here.



  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Wow! Don't let my kids know that Viva got five dollars! She only gives one dollar here in Oregon...mostly because the little piranhas have a lot more teeth to come out of their heads.

    What a milestone though, eh? (I save all of their teeth in a fancy little container. Can't bear to throw them out.)

  2. bridget: I was appalled at the five dollars, but since I was asleep by 7:45 last night I had nothing to do with the Tooth Fairy preparations or anything beyond that. Last I heard she was going to be getting coins.

    Now I need myself a fancy little container. I forgot to ask what the "Tooth Fairy" did with the tooth.

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Dear Viva,

    Please don't call Lovegirl. She's only 4 and has been trying to pull her teeth out of her mouth so the Tooth Fairy can pay her a visit!

    You're moving on up! Don't spend it all in one place.


  4. Dear Lovegirl,

    I know it's hard, but try to be patient. Those teeth will come out soon enough!


    P.S. When they do come out, milk it for all it's worth!
