Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Economic Downturn Hits Home

We had layoffs at work yesterday. One person in my department, a really good friend, got laid off. She handled it amazingly well (far better than I would have in her place), was very gracious and professional. Stayed until 7:30 to tie up some loose ends and then wrote a very moving farewell email message.

I am really fricking depressed. I pulled into my garage after work and sat there crying for a few minutes. I wish I could say that made me feel better, but it didn’t.

There’s more, but I can’t.

UPDATED TO ADD: Trying to stay positive, have emailed all my professional contacts to get the word out and help her find a job. Still sucks.


  1. bridget in oregon12:55 PM

    Oh, man. I agree. It really is sucky out there. And those with jobs don't feel any better than those without. I tend to have a "waiting for the other shoe to drop" personality.

    Hope your efforts for your friend are fruitful.

  2. I'm sorry for your friend and hope she finds something soon.

  3. bridget: exactly! I also almost have a case of "survivor's guilt," you know? It is the worst.

    cee: thank you, my friend! She seems to be in fairly good spirits, considering.
