Monday, January 21, 2013

My Own Worst Enemy

I am not enjoying my job in the least. I know, what else is new? But! A friend emailed me a really cool job posting right before the weekend. It is the perfect job for me on paper -- it is what I want to do, finally. It represents a career shift for me but allows me to use some of my experience and transferable skills. It would allow me to be more creative and would get me out of fundraising/grant writing, which I am truly burned out on. I would still be writing but also editing and working more on the web.

As soon as I sat down with the job posting to write my cover letter, that nasty little voice started to pick apart my qualifications. I don't have a whole lot of experience with layout, I don't know all the Adobe programs, etc. But I've been writing for company publications (print and online) throughout my career, on top of my grant writing responsibilities. At every job I've been in, I'm the first person people come to when they need a document proofread, or tightened up, or they need a creative title. I am also always the person called in to write a quick piece on a new program, or find a key piece of demographic information, or fact check a document before it goes to print. I know I could do this job and do it well.

I just let doubts sink my boat sometimes. Also I have no idea how much it pays, and that makes me nervous as well. I can't afford to take a pay cut.

Nonetheless, I'm going to apply. You never know unless you try. You don't get unless you ask. And it's time to let the universe know I'm ready to put myself out there. Interested to see what will happen. Stay tuned...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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