Hello, and welcome to a brand new feature at Mama Blah Blah. It's Mail Time! [cue Blue's Clues mail song: "Here's the mail, it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail, when it comes, I want to wail, MAIL!"]
Q: Where do you get your ideas from?
A: Cleveland.
Q: Do you consider yourself a social critic?
A: I wouldn't say I'm a social critic. I'm not even a critic. I'm just critical. Indeed, I'm hypercritical of everyone, most especially myself.
Q: Where can I get that little number you wore to the Emmys?
A: Cleveland.
Q: Are people afraid of you?
A: Considering that I am a life member of a Super Secret Society bent on taking over the world - oops, I've said too much.
Q: Boxers or briefs?
A: I prefer these.
Q: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
A: Not in Cleveland. Hopefully on a book tour someplace tropical. With tropical drinks. Mmm, drinks.
Q: How's your job search going?
A: Ooh, hey, we're out of time, but thanks for all your questions, and check back often for another exciting installment!