Friday, September 29, 2006

Koi and Happiness

I felt so great after writing the previous, very long post – partly because it was long and I hardly get to write anything in-depth that’s not for work these days, but also because it helped me clarify some things in my admittedly muddled head.

Now it’s been days since I wrote anything, which leaves all kind of stuff churning about wanting to be expressed. But I have had no time to write, because (a) work is very busy; and (b) we’re moving!

Words can not express how thrilled I am (we are) to finally be leaving our apartment. A few weeks ago, Sweet Dub said, “This apartment is like a bad relationship. We keep giving it second chances and it keeps slapping us around and we keep coming back to it and saying, it’s not that bad even though we're walking around with a black eye. What is wrong with us?”

Well, you know, we had been looking aggressively for a while there – early in the summer – and the rental market was pretty shitty. Not as bad as the buying market, because buying a house is now evidently something you can do only if your family gives you some money or you make upwards of $400,000 per annum or you don’t have any kids. But about a month or so ago, we both got so fed up that we had stopped looking even for a rental.

Sweet Dub happened to go onto Craigslist last week when our rowdy frat boy wannabe neighbors interrupted our sleep once again. [Aside: What is it that is so appealing about regularly screaming off your balcony at 2:30 in the morning? I wish I could figure it out.] And he found the perfect little house for us, ironically less than half a mile from where my sister had been living until recently, which is neither here nor there except that she will probably soil herself when she finds out. We drove over there on Saturday and the owners fell in love with us and offered us the house for free!

Okay, so maybe not for free, but they do love us and picked us over the rest of the unwashed masses who were trying to rent the house which was clearly fated to be ours.

Our house is a cute little green two bedroom, two bath with separate office/den/what-have-you in the back yard and a driveway which accommodates four cars, and comes with all appliances including washer and dryer because until a few months ago it was an owner-occupied unit. The spacious front yard has four fruit trees (apple, peach, pear, and plum) and a porch overlooking the yard, and the back yard, which is completely enclosed, has a small koi pond and a fire pit. I know I said this already, but seriously, there are no words to describe how excited the entire Blah Blah family is about the prospect of moving. Have I mentioned we can even have a dog??

Alas, I am at work and my lunch break is drawing to a close. More next time (hopefully with pictures).


  1. Yeh! We moved from an apartment (aka the dungeon) to a rental home three years ago, and I'm no longer even sad about the fact that owning a home here in LA County is so far in our future that it isn't even fathomable... I love our little rental house with it's 1920's touches like the CA cooler and the pull down ironing board in the kitchen cabinet and the scalloped cabinet edgings. I will be sad when we have to move into our own home, so I know how totally incredible this move must be. Good luck and enjoy the new place!

  2. Woo hoo!!! Trees and space for four cars - I know how you love your cars. Cheers to Dub for finding the place and cheers for the landlords for recognizing the beauty that is Blah Blah.

    Must forward new contact info...

  3. The house sounds excellent. Good luck moving and enjoy your new home!

  4. Aileen: the fact that you will be sad to move out of a rental is pretty great testimony to your living situation. It makes a big difference in your quality of life, enjoying where you live.

    Cee: An e-mail is on its way to you.

    e: Aw, thanks! I will be playing Wilco's Being There as I pack!

    All: I still have to post pictures so you can enjoy the yumminess of our new home, but we will be signing the lease tonight and getting the keys during the walk-through, so maybe I can do some digital then.

    Stay tuned...
