Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Payoff (Literally)

So, two-and-a-half cool things happened today at work:

1. I found out that the very first grant I worked on when I got here – as in, we met to hash it out the second day I started work – has been funded, to the tune of $75,000. SWEET! This led to my boss thanking me for my "tenacious work ethic."

2. The President & CEO found out I still don’t have an office and made the executive decision to kick out the people who have been squatting* in the office she wants me to have. I will allegedly be in my new office by the end of the month.

½. The quarterly organizational newsletter, which is one of our major publications, came out. This was cool, because I wrote two of the articles – very cool to see my words in print. But not so cool, because I didn’t even get a credit. I should have been listed as a contributing writer in the masthead section, but apparently it wasn’t updated from the last issue. Sour grapes, I know.

* Not my word, my boss’ word. Evidently the people who share the office are not supposed to be in there; one of them just decided to take it, and the other person (who is new) got put in there with her. It is all very puzzling. I am not thrilled with the idea of displacing people, but hell, if they aren’t supposed to be there in the first place, they need to get to steppin’.


  1. $75K=Woo hoo!!!
    Office=Woo hoo!! The squatters knew their time was limited.
    Credit=Boo, but we love you!!

  2. Congrats on the big grant. And also on the office. Having your own office is such a blessing. I shared an office for the first two years I was at my current school, and once I got my own office I realized how much more productive I was and happier too (even though I liked my old office mate ... just wasn't conducive to getting shit done, nor to the quiet necessary for thinking).

  3. You know, the not-having-an-office thing has been OK, because for a while there I was working at least once a week from home. It's been a few weeks since I've been able to work from home, and it's bumming me out. Supposed to get our DSL this afternoon.

    I do think I will be more productive with an office, but we'll see...maybe I'll start bringing in six-figure grants!
