Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Keepin' It Real

I don’t think I mentioned here that Sweet Dub recently went to a certain film festival in a certain snowy place. So I know I did not mention that he was interviewed by what he thought was a local TV station when he came out of the first screening of a very controversial film. Whoever interviewed him sold the tape to Fox, so last week his clip ended up on a variety of Fox News Network shows. We are not generally huge fans of Fox, so we don’t generally watch shows like the O’Really Factor and Hannity & That Other Guy, but people started calling and saying they’d seen him on national TV. We searched for it on TiVo, recorded it, and have played it back over and over with greater hilarity at each viewing.

One of the things Sweet Dub says during his brief interview is that the film is disturbing and it’s hard to talk about.

Stay with me here.

This morning, when I asked Viva which of her naptime stuffed animals would be going with her to school today, and she was having a hard time deciding, she finally said: “Um, I – you know, it’s just that – well, it’s hard to talk about.”

What a clown. I almost peed my pants!


  1. Very cute.

    I am jealous of Sweet Dub. Just the other day I was fantasizing about going to that very unnamed film festival in a certain snowy place. Maybe someday...

  2. cee: I know, I rolled.

    e: I've been. It's overrated. Although Sweet Dub did find himself playing video games next to Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute of The Office) in an arcade cafe set up somewhere at the festival. I think he was playing Galaga.

  3. What? A Dwight sighting merits a mere mention? And playing an old school video game? I love him and all things Office...

  4. Dude, Dwight totally rocks. Hard. I just didn't want to seem all star-f*cky by including it in the original post.

    Maybe I'll be all meta and refer to the comments in my next post. Then whoever is reading will read them more regularly and it will all be magically fantastic in that people who read here might read your blog based on the comments you leave.

    Oh, yes, I'm a giver.

  5. You are a giver! I've always said that. I'm happy with my two readers, but by all means, spread the love.
