Friday, June 15, 2007

Maui: What’s Not to Like?

How was our trip? In a word: glorious. Maui was gorgeous.

We did not seem able to drag Viva off the beach. Every time we spent more than 15 minutes in the car, she’d start to whine, “When are we going to the beach?” so while we managed to check out a few other parts of the island, it was by no means a comprehensive tour. For my money, that was better than running around like Type A crazy people, parasailing, SCUBA-ing, whale watching, luauing, and all the rest. We actually relaxed and rested for most of the trip. (Sweet Dub did go on a sunrise 38-mile bike ride down a volcano, which he says was amazing beyond description.) I did not check phone messages, e-mail messages, or blog feeds while we were gone. Needless to say, I’m a little behind, but it was well worth it.

One snippet from the trip:

We are having lunch in Lahaina with two of Sweet Dub’s friends from college, who he hasn’t seen since he graduated 512 years ago. They live on Oahu and made a day trip over to see us while we were semi-close-by.

Female friend: So, what do you think of Maui so far?

Sweet Dub: Oh my God, it’s incredible. The ocean, the air, everything is so beautiful – you wouldn’t believe the rainbow we saw the other day! It was—

Female friend [snorts]: Rainbows! GAWD – All you tourists are busy looking at rainbows and I’ve got to get to work! Quit looking at the damn rainbows!


  1. Jaded by rainbows? It must be magical if the locals are jaded by rainbows. Glad you had a relaxing trip!!

  2. Sounds lovely! Glad you had a relaxing vacation. Who needs a to-do list when you're supposed to be recreating? (Though I am impressed with the early morning volcano ride. I've climbed a volcano, and I know those puppies are no joke...)

  3. cee: yes, magical. I am just waiting for us to save enough money to go back. But Sweet Dub says next time, I have to pay for everything. Silly lad!

    e: Don't be too impressed. They drove up the volcano in a van and then biked down. Nonetheless, the pictures are pretty cool.
