Sunday, November 17, 2013

Carving Out Time

I was about to get back to my Walking Dead addiction this evening when I realized that I hadn't yet blogged today. For heaven's sake, Self! I thought to myself. You've been doing so well with this NaBloPoMo thing, don't blow it!

But I realized I didn't have a post ready to go, not even the germination of one in my brain. And then I thought, it is always so hard for me to blog on the weekend. And why is that?

It is hard for me to get any time to myself on the weekend, which is partly because I so much love being with my husband and kids for long stretches of time, and particularly when we have nowhere we have to be. I know that I need time to myself to recharge. I am a natural introvert. But I also get my fuel from being around my family. We are a very huggy goofy loud and laughing bunch, and it's hard for me to tear myself away. Sweet Dub's videography and photography work translates into very changeable hours, and sometimes he is booked for several days in a row, or nights, or weird chunks of time smack in the middle of our weekend. Since it's holiday portrait and event time, he is booked for the next few weekends. This weekend he was home all day Saturday through Sunday until 3 PM. It felt like such a treat!

So the good news is, I seem to be very capable of being in the moment. The bad news is, I may occasionally lose sight of my long-term goals, including writing, when I am focused on the family that is right in front of me. That's kind of how life is these days.

Also: I am very sleepy due to a self-induced Walking Dead Season 1 marathon on Netflix last night. So I am just not sure I am making sense. Yeah, sorry about that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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