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Photo: 3 pigs craft and flannel
board story - Creative Commons, by Mommachels-Flickr
I have only touched briefly on the school changes that have happened with us over the past few months, but I want to give a bit more background because this has impacted us a great deal. Around December of last year, it was becoming painfully clear that (1) due to staffing changes, Ceeya’s preschool was not providing the type of care we had become accustomed to; and (2) it was becoming cost-prohibitive to send her there. The preschool was struggling financially so it was understaffed and couldn’t afford to bring in different teachers, and we became aware of an exodus of kids from the school.
Ceeya’s preschool teacher had taught 3rd and 4th
grade previously but she had no classroom experience with this age group. I
didn’t feel she was engaging the kids at the appropriate level – she seemed to
default to arts and crafts and coloring, which I felt was a missed opportunity
for this age group. They are little sponges for information at that age, and
school can be so much fun for them. I also noticed that Ceeya’s toileting hygiene
started to slip because the teacher wasn’t as on top of it as the previous
teacher. The children in the class were a mix of three-and-four-year-olds, so
they were all potty trained but still at the age where I would say they needed
regular reinforcement on how to wipe and wash their hands. At home in the bathroom with her I realized
she had stopped wiping at all and no longer even flushed the toilet. It was
infuriating and I had to have repeated conversations with her about how
important it was to keep herself clean. I also had conversations with the
teacher that seemed to go nowhere, since there was no change.
As things deteriorated, we started working with Ceeya at
home in the evenings and on weekends with materials we got from Lakeshore and various online sites
because we felt her fine motor skills were stagnating (a relevant concern due
to her sensory processing issues) and quite frankly because she was bored with
At the same time, I started looking into other preschools in
our area, most of which were (1) just as, if not more, expensive and (2) not accepting
new students. The situation was looking desperate. And then the skies parted and
the fates conspired to have me run into a former coworker/ friend/ neighbor at
an event that I would not usually have been at, but was asked to attend because
another coworker had a dentist appointment. And there, my problems were solved,
because she told me about a FREE LA Universal Preschool (LAUP) program in our old
neighborhood, which was collaborating with a FREE pilot pre-K program at Viva’s
school (which, hello? How did I not hear about it?). They were in need of
additional kids for the program because it was still new.
So in February, Ceeya began attending two FREE educational programs
and our only cost now is before and after care, which saves us $500 a month. Instead
of coming home with coloring pages, Ceeya now comes home with sheets to help
her trace her name. She is learning to read sight words (the, and, this, etc.)
and can read some books by herself. In LAUP, they have done a unit on the life
cycle – so they have hatched real live chicks from eggs, they have a tank full
of tadpoles, and they recently acquired caterpillars and are learning about
chrysalises. She has a new best friend named Miles, who is crazy about her.
All of this is great, except for one thing: the naps.
Due to the structure of the LAUP/Pre-K programs, there is no
nap time scheduled for these kids. The person running the LAUP program also
runs the after-school program, which includes older kids. There is no separate quiet
space for the younger kids to nap.
Ceeya is awesome when she’s well-rested. When she’s not, it
is – how do you say? – challenging. Basically, she falls apart at the slightest
perceived provocation. Witness, last week at around 5:30:
I have just gotten home and I have gone into the other room
to change my clothes. Ceeya and Viva have unpacked their lunches and are
sitting on their bed talking.
Ceeya: Guess what we
had for snack today?
Viva: What?
Ceeya: Tacos and
Viva: Chicken nuggets.
Ceeya: [falls out
screaming and crying]
Mama [runs into their room]:
What happened?
Viva [wearily]: I have no idea, all I said was chicken
Ceeya [after 3 minutes of unintelligible cry-talking]: I said I had tacos and she said I had chicken
nuggets! [screaming and crying again]
Mama: I don’t think that’s what she meant.
Ceeya: But I didn’t
HAVE chicken nuggets! I had tacos!
Mama: I understand.
So if YOU know you had tacos, then you had tacos. What difference does it make
what she says?
Ceeya: Because she is
Viva: WHAT? Oh my God. I didn’t even –
Mama: Viva.
Viva: What?
Mama: She is deliriously
tired. Let’s not make things worse. Let me talk to her. Why don’t you go relax
yourself in the other room, okay?
Viva goes off in a huff. I am left to put Ceeya back
together from a little puddle on the floor.
And repeat this scenario in various incarnations to
infinity, and that is what our life is like right now on the weekdays.
Sometimes Ceeya passes out at about 6:30 and we have to bathe and pajama her in
a half-conscious state. Sometimes depending on his schedule Sweet Dub is able
to pick them up from school at 2:30 and can manage to get Ceeya to take a nap by
3:30 or 4:00, but by that point since she wants to sleep for two hours she is
impossible to wake up. Either way, it is not a good time.