Once, many many years ago, someone that I love very much was not in a good emotional place (unbeknownst to me). We were out on a beautiful summer day, in a park by the side of the river, grass underneath our toes, nowhere to be but there in that beautiful place, surrounded by other folks enjoying the day - walking about, holding hands, lying under trees, laughing, kissing, falling asleep in the sun.
My dear sweet loved one turned to me and said, "I hate this place!"
"What? Why?" I said.
"Because everyone's having more fun than me!" she said, and she burst into tears.
I am sorry to say that my first impulse was to laugh, but her significant other and I managed to keep it together and after a period of time, got her to relax and enjoy herself.
Every now and then, I think back on that moment and I ponder how easy it is to look only at the surface of things and think people have it easier than you. Of course that's not true.
But here it is, Friday, and I am thinking about fun. And about having fun. And about how I am going to leave work and pick up my kids and go home and turn on some old 80's music and dance around and maybe have a sock fight. And then no one will be having more fun than we!
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